GNURadio on WinTV

Hello lovely people !

I am a newbie here. I hope to use GNURadio software with WinTV hardware
( because I can’t afford USRP : ) ) .

I am currently in the process of installation. Does anyone have any
experience with this hardware for GNURadio.

I look forward to any advice.

Thank you,

On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 06:30:14PM -0800, Alex M. wrote:

Hello lovely people !

I am a newbie here. I hope to use GNURadio software with WinTV
hardware ( because I can’t afford USRP : ) ) .

I am currently in the process of installation. Does anyone have any
experience with this hardware for GNURadio.

Which WinTV board are you considering? It looks like the PVR boards
output an mpeg transport stream. I don’t think they’ll be useful for
GNU Radio. I’m not sure about the WinTV-Go-Plus.

I look forward to any advice.

Thank you,
