GPIO setting on USRP N200 with LFTX plugged + UHD

Dear all,

I am using USRP N200 with LFTX and LFRX plugged + UHD to design a
transmitter and a receiver. I am trying to toggle a GPIO pin high when
the LFTX board is transmitting and low otherwise, which is similar to
the io_tx_06 pin on RFX boards.

From what I found, this I/O pin could be configured by_write_oe (int
which_dboard, int value, int mask) for USRP1, though did not how to use
write_gpio in an appropriate way in python. Any suggestion on the
implementation of functionality above would be really appreciated!

Have a great day!


On 09/26/2011 02:32 PM, Yan N. wrote:

implementation of functionality above would be really appreciated!

Have a great day!

With gr-uhd you can call into the dboard iface from python. That
includes USRP1 and N200.

This is the dboard iface:


On 09/26/11, Josh B. [email protected] wrote:

With gr-uhd you can call into the dboard iface from python. That
includes USRP1 and N200.

This is the dboard iface:


Thank you so much for your reply, Josh. I will try this method to
configure the I/O pins on dboard. I am wondering if there is any
examples in GNU Radio involved the GPIO configuration? I would love to
ensure the method I try is correct, as illustrated on GNU Radio website,
any inappropriate operation on GPIO would damage the board.

Really appreciate your help!
