Hi Johannes,
I have generated an LTE signal with a LTE test generator(downlink
signal, RB=50, one antenna) and save it as IQ file in a binary format.
After that I tried to demodulate the LTE signal with your framework
receiver but I 've got the following messages. Do you have any idea what
is the problem.
A. Baier
Using Volk machine: avx_64_mmx_orc
RS GENERATOR cell_id pilots 0
RS GENERATOR cell_id pilots 1
pre_decoder_vcvcset N_ant to 2
pre_decoder_vcvcset decoding style to “tx_diversity”
pcfich_demux_vcvcset cell_id = 0
pcfich_demux_vcvcset cell_id = 0
pcfich_demux_vcvcset cell_id = 0
layer_demapper_vcvcset N_ant to 2
layer_demapper_vcvcset decoding style to “tx_diversity”
pre_decoder_vcvcset N_ant to 2
pre_decoder_vcvcset decoding style to “tx_diversity”
pre_decoder_vcvcset N_ant to 1
pre_decoder_vcvcset decoding style to “tx_diversity”
layer_demapper_vcvcset N_ant to 2
layer_demapper_vcvcset decoding style to “tx_diversity”
layer_demapper_vcvcset N_ant to 1
layer_demapper_vcvcset decoding style to “tx_diversity”
gr::buffer::allocate_buffer: warning: tried to allocate
13 items of size 4800. Due to alignment requirements
64 were allocated.If this isn’t OK, consider padding
your structure to a power-of-two bytes.
On this platform, our allocation granularity is 4096 bytes.