this is really cool!
Can you assign different colors
(or linestyles) to different input symbols?
this is really cool!
Can you assign different colors
(or linestyles) to different input symbols?
In the original method line styles are handeled with the following line.
trellis_fname << " stroke-dasharray = “3,” << branch_num << “” ";
“branch_num” is the equiv to the input symbol number. So for two
input symbols the 0th symbol will be a solid line and symbol 1 would
be a 3,1 dashed line. I was thinking of overloading the method so it
could be called with a vector of strings (one for each input symbol)
where each string describes SVG parameters for linestyles. That way
you could assign colors or any SVG line style you desired.
After I read the style guide, I will clean up the code and resubmit
with suggested changes.
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