I’ve been testing the next branch a bit, and saw that when I run grc I
Welcome to GNU Radio Companion 3.6.1git-1904-ga4532110. Is that normal?
did compile master before that by accident.
I did discover that in version() of runtime_swig.py
the documentation still says:
return version string defined in configure.ac
So is probably related to the switch to cmake.
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Hans Van I.
[email protected] wrote:
I’ve been testing the next branch a bit, and saw that when I run grc I get:
Welcome to GNU Radio Companion 3.6.1git-1904-ga4532110. Is that normal? I
did compile master before that by accident.
Yes, that’s normal. It gets it from using ‘git describe’ which tells
us the most recent tag (v3.6.1 in your case), the number of commits
since that tag (1904) and ‘g’ + the first few digits of the most
recent commit hash.
Even on next, the latest tag was the previous version, so you wouldn’t
expect to see a version associated with 3.7, say. Not until we
actually make a release would this mean anything.
I did discover that in version() of runtime_swig.py
the documentation still says:
return version string defined in configure.ac
So is probably related to the switch to cmake.
That was just documentation. The source code was doing the right thing
with cmake/git. But I’ve just pushed a patch that fixes the references
there and in another spot that was still referencing autotools and (!)