I’m using wxruby 2.0.1 w/ Ruby 1.8.7 on OS X 10.6.2.
So far I have successfully implemented a grid with bool, choice and text
edit controls. To combine the edit code with my app, I have subclassed
the editor controls to get hooks for the begin_edit/end_edit events.
This worked fine for the GridCellTextEditor and the
My problem is, that I can’t seem to get events for the
GridCellNumberEditor. Find attached the modified grid example with
subclassed controls.
I’m getting the begin_edit/end_edit outputs for the choice control but
not for the number control.
To reproduce, start the application, click the choice editor and select
a value. Note the console output that occurs on begin and end edit. Now
click the number editor and change the number using the spin control.
Notice how there is NO console output although the editor has been
instantiated earlier.
What’s wrong? Is there another, preferable way of integrating a
control’s events into an application to generate callbacks and allow for
value vetoes?
Thanks in advance,