Last few days I’ve been spending parts of the evenings digging into
Ruby’s C code. I’m trying to get a basic idea of how everything works,
both to learn and to introduce some tweaks in the language (just for
my personal enjoyment). I’m finding that as a big bite, though. Can
you guys recommend me how to tackle the whole thing? And is there some
basic overview of how the code works (for example, how eval.c works
and what are the frame, tag, iter and so on structs) from which I get
get the big idea?
On Nov 11, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Stefan K. wrote:
Last few days I’ve been spending parts of the evenings digging into
Ruby’s C code. I’m trying to get a basic idea of how everything works,
both to learn and to introduce some tweaks in the language (just for
my personal enjoyment). I’m finding that as a big bite, though. Can
you guys recommend me how to tackle the whole thing? And is there some
basic overview of how the code works (for example, how eval.c works
and what are the frame, tag, iter and so on structs) from which I get
get the big idea?
Definitely start out with the Ruby Hacking Guide:
Only a few chapters have been translated into English so far, but it
should be more than enough to get you started.
Brad E. wrote:
get the big idea?
Thanks for the link!! It makes extremely interesting reading
…and very distracting too!
11/12/2007 | 3:31 AM.
On Nov 11, 2007 8:03 PM, Stefan K. [email protected] wrote:
Last few days I’ve been spending parts of the evenings digging into
Ruby’s C code. I’m trying to get a basic idea of how everything works,
both to learn and to introduce some tweaks in the language (just for
my personal enjoyment). I’m finding that as a big bite, though. Can
you guys recommend me how to tackle the whole thing? And is there some
basic overview of how the code works (for example, how eval.c works
and what are the frame, tag, iter and so on structs) from which I get
get the big idea?