Guided Tutorials - Experience


I did 2 of the Guided Tutorials - Programming GNU Radio in Python and
C++ and want to tell you about my experiences.

First thanks for making this tutorials! They really help me to get a
good start with GNU Radio.

Tutorial with Python: Since I don t have any programming experience in
Pyton (and C++) I really liked it that it is very detailed! Could do it
and understand everything!

Tutorial with C++: Really had problems doing this tutorial. I must admit
that my C++ knowledge is very low.

  • In the tutorial there is just written to edit the and how to edit the
    .cc file. But in the header there are also things to be edited.
  • After declaring the function get_minimum_distances in header file and
    trying to compile (make) I get the error: unknown variable d_gray_code.
    So I guess in the .cc file there has to be done some assignment like
    d_gray_code = gray_code ?
  • After doing some editings in header and .cc file I managed to compile.
  • To prevent any errors I copied the given (on the tutorial page) .xml
    code into my .xml file. After cmake …/ → make → sudo make install
    → sudo ldconfig → restart GRC → new block did not appear ?
  • Maybe it s because the last 6 lines of xml file ? There appear
    2 times. After editing the file made by gr_modtool with the
    instructions it worked :slight_smile:

But after having done a QA test as it is written on the tutorial I get
wrong results (AssertError). Seems that although I call

qpsk = tutorial.my_qpsk_demod_cb(gray_code) with gray_code = false
The code just enters the if clause with gray_code == true?

Do you have any idea why? Here are my files, which are nearly the same
as the ones in examples.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


thanks for going through the guided tutorials, and thanks for your
feedback. We’ll address those soon and fix the tutorials.

As for your solution, I’m not sure. I recommend putting a couple of
print statements so you can tell what’s going on.


On 20.10.2014 13:37, Martin B. wrote:

Hello Martin,

thank you for the hint! After printing the variable, I noticed I
assigned a variable wrongly.

However, now everything works fine :slight_smile:

If there is someone else who has problems doing this tutorial, here is
the code :

Best regards,

On 10/22/2014 11:26 AM, Vlad Stoica wrote:

thank you for the hint! After printing the variable, I noticed I
assigned a variable wrongly.

However, now everything works fine :slight_smile:

If there is someone else who has problems doing this tutorial, here is
the code :

I would like to point out that we do provide the ‘solutions’ in a
dedicated repo:


I would like to point out that we do provide the ‘solutions’ in a
dedicated repo:

GitHub - gnuradio/gr-tutorial: A tutorial OOT module for GNU Radio


Oops, sorry! I somehow missed that…