I am trying to figure out the neatest way to do this. So far I have a
class called Member. Now I am trying to organise the relationship
This relationship means that 2 Members can become allies and they have
an alliance together. My problem comes when trying to create a) the
table b) the relationships.
I have ended up with the following. But was wondering if anyone could
think of a more elegant way of doing this.
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :init_alliances, :foreign_key => ‘initiator_id’, :class_name
=> ‘Alliance’
has_many :accept_alliances, :foreign_key => ‘acceptor_id’, :class_name
=> ‘Alliance’
def allies
return (self.accept_alliances.collect{|a|a.initiator} +
self.init_alliances.collect{|a| a.acceptor}).uniq
class Alliance < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :initiator, :foreign_key => ‘initiator_id’, :class_name
=> ‘Member’
belongs_to :acceptor, :foreign_key => ‘acceptor_id’, :class_name
=> ‘Member’
Alliance Table
id | initiator_id | acceptor_id