Handling my custom exceptions , is that right?

in my config/initializers , I created the file custom_exceptions.rb
in which I put all my custom exceptions

module Exceptions
class MyLockerException < StandardError
def initialize(msg, error_code , member_id )
@message = msg
@error_code = error_code
@member_id = member_id

def message
  @message + ", member: #{@member_id}  , ERROR: #{@error_code}"
def error_code
def member_id


I have a Delayed_job script , in which I raise the exceptions like
this :

raise Exceptions::MyLockerException.new(“MyLockerException”,
error_code, locker[:id], member[:id], ) if analysis.nil?

when the exception is raised , it’s catch by the error method

def error(job, exception)
  memberId = exception.member_id

but , I got an error => member_id is not defined in exception …
why ? member_id is clearly defined in the class MyLockerException ,
isn’t it ?

thanks for your feedback

On Jul 1, 10:57pm, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

def error(job, exception)
memberId = exception.member_id

but , I got an error => member_id is not defined in exception …
why ? member_id is clearly defined in the class MyLockerException ,
isn’t it ?

Are you sure the exception passed to the error method is the one you
expected ?


solved … not related to exception … correctly passed and raised,
but rather related to a bad delayed_job struct definition

class InstructionRequestJob <
Struct.new(:param1, :param2, :param3, :error)

but I enqueued it w only 2 parameters :
Delayed::Job.enqueue InstructionRequestJob.new( param1, param2)

so got issue with the DJ :error catch…
writing : Delayed::Job.enqueue InstructionRequestJob.new( param1,
param2, params3) solved the issue :
def error(job, exception)

error_code = exception.error_code # or anything else stored in
the exception…

catching correctly the raised exception …

thanks a lot

On Jul 2, 12:15am, Frederick C. [email protected]