Is there a way of checking whether a group of keys exist within a hash.
For example you have the following hash
example = {:profile => { :name => “John”,
:username =>
:example1 => { :var1 => “test”,
:var2 => “test2” }
now all you want is a function that can be passed an array of required
eg req = [:name, :username, :var1]
this array can contain any number of required keys is not always just
keys that are in either the profile or example1 sub hashes.
I’ve looked at using the .keys method to compare keys but that requires
me to specify where to look in the hash.
Any help much apreciated
Keep this open as someone might have the answer but I have reworked the
way in which I store my hash.
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Benjamin F. [email protected]
now all you want is a function that can be passed an array of required
eg req = [:name, :username, :var1]
this array can contain any number of required keys is not always just
keys that are in either the profile or example1 sub hashes.
irb(main):001:0> example = {
irb(main):002:1* :profile => { :name => “John”, :username =>
irb(main):003:1* :example1 => { :var1 => “test”, :var2 => “test2” },
irb(main):004:1* }
=> {:profile=>{:name=>“John”, :username=>“johnny_bravo”},
:example1=>{:var1=>“test”, :var2=>“test2”}}
irb(main):005:0> [:name, :username, :var1].all? {|k| example.has_key? k}
=> false
irb(main):006:0> [:profile, :example1].all? {|k| example.has_key? k}
=> true
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 4:05 AM, Benjamin F. [email protected]
Any help much apreciated
Posted via
Here is a recursive solution
class Hash
def nested_keys?(*target_keys)
target_keys.all? do |target_key|
has_key?(target_key) ||
values.any? { |value| value.instance_of?(Hash) &&
example = {
:profile => {
:name => “John”,
:username => “johnny_bravo”
:example1 => {
:var1 => “test”,
:var2 => “test2”
:example2 => {
:nested! => {
:three_deep => 1
:value_is_nil => nil,
example.nested_keys? :profile # => true
example.nested_keys? :profilx # => false
example.nested_keys? :profile , :name # => true
example.nested_keys? :profile , :namx # => false
example.nested_keys? :profile , :name , :var1 # => true
example.nested_keys? :profile , :name , :varx # => false
example.nested_keys? :value_is_nil # => true
example.nested_keys? :three_deep # => true