heel version 2.0.0 has been released.
Heel is a small static web server for use when you need a quick web
server for a
directory. Once the server is running, heel will use launchy to open
the URL of
your document root.
Heel is built using Rack and Thin
% heel
Thin web server (v1.2.2 codename I Find Your Lack of Sauce
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
Launching your browser…
Or run it in the background
% heel --daemonize
Created /Users/jeremy/.heel
heel’s PID (/Users/jeremy/.heel/heel.pid) and log file
(/Users/jeremy/.heel/heel.log) are stored here
Launching your browser at
% heel --kill
Sending TERM to process 3304
{{ Release notes for Version 2.0.0 }}
- Change highlighting mode default to ‘off’ instead of ‘on’
- Update for Thin 1.2.2