how do i get ALL roots PLUS all descendants in one go?
I remember that there’s a way to do this (besides find :all), but you’ll
have to check the docs. If you can’t find it after reading the docs,
let me know.
res = Category.find(all, conditions{parent_id IS NULL})
descendants works only on a result of size of 1
Of course. res is an Array, while descendants is defined on Category.
@result = Category.roots #gives me 3, because i have 3 records with parent_id=NULL, what is fine
You might just want to do Category.find :all, :order => ‘lft’, which
will give you all the records in the right order. Alternatively, you
could make all 3 current root elements into children of a new, single,
root, and then just fetch all descendants of the new root.
again, i want a xml-structure of all root-records with their children,
and their children , and their children etc…
i can do it if i have only 1 result, but dont know how to build the xml
if i have, lets say 30+ roots…
im looking at it right now, but it doesnt look promising. seems i have
to play around with the xml-builder again. any other ideas?
You can use awesome_nested_set for what you’re describing. What do you
mean when you say it “doesn’t look promising”? Where’s the problem?
What don’t you understand?
this is a function, sitting on my model: category.rb
A )
def full_xml(builder=nil)
to_xml(:builder => builder, :skip_instruct => true) do |xml|
children.each { |child| child.full_xml(xml) }
so when i call:
@category = Category.find params[:id]
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @category.full_xml}
i get a nice recursiv xml data.
B) in this case @categorIES = Category.roots #means all with parent_id IS NULL
but i dont know how to itereate thorugh to build that xml again…
any ideas?
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