unless /.*test/.match( file_name ) || /.*Test/.match( file_name )
text = File.read(file_name)
text.scan(/find/) do |it|
$files << ("#{it} —> #{File.basename(file_name) } =====>
I can list the keyword, file name and directory name with path name,
but i want
1- file name without any extension. for example : .rb ,.java, *.txt ,
2- I want to output only last directory name. Not path name. for
example: C:\test\myfiles, C:\test\outputs\ … so only I want to
output myfiles and outputs directory names
3- i want to output the search keyword`s left and right side sentences
but i want
1- file name without any extension. for example : .rb ,.java, *.txt ,
2- I want to output only last directory name. Not path name. for
example: C:\test\myfiles, C:\test\outputs\ … so only I want to
output myfiles and outputs directory names
3- i want to output the search keyword`s left and right side sentences
but i want
1- file name without any extension. Â for example : .rb ,.java, *.txt ,
2- I want to output only last directory name. Not path name. for
example: Â C:\test\myfiles, C:\test\outputs\ Â … so only I want to
output myfiles and outputs directory names
I suggest you look at File::split, File::basename or String.split.
3- i want to output the search keyword`s left and right side sentences
I am not sure what that means. You can print the line containing a
keyword easily with
File.open(filename){|f| f.each_line{|l| STDOUT << l if l =~
keyword_regexp }}
and if you want sentences you could possibly split on punctuation
instead of newlines.