Your call to attr_accessor will create instance methods called test
and test=, but you tried to call test on the class (and so you end up
falling through to Kernel#test).
No I have tested this is not the case, yes I have given wrong example
but with object also it is not working, I have given all details below
I guess I got it working by hit and trial way, so not sure what
exactly is happening around.
Have you seen that validations take :if and :unless options ?
I need to use coustom validation, for them I did not see any :if,
:unless option
But as I got it working I have lot of question in all stages
that I want to put else I will never able to know what is happening.
test 1:
ruby> def cvalidation(name, &block)
ruby> attr_accessor name
ruby> define_method “svalidator_#{name}” do |*arg|
ruby> if send name
ruby> yield *arg
ruby> end
ruby> end
ruby> end
ruby> class Person
ruby> cvalidation :zen do
ruby> puts “Yes”
ruby> end
ruby> end
=> #<Proc:0x95e73fc@(irb):8 (lambda)>
ruby> x = Person.newq
NoMethodError: undefined method `newq’ for Person:Class
So this is not working now in test 2, I now test only attr_accessor
test 2:
ruby> def k(name)
ruby> attr_accessor name
ruby> end
=> nil
ruby> class Personq
ruby> k :test
ruby> end
=> nil
ruby> x = Personq.new
=> #<Personq:0x917a4e0>
ruby> x.test
NoMethodError: private method `test' called for #<Personq:
it again will not work.
test 3:
ruby> def k(name)
ruby> class_eval do
ruby> attr_accessor name
ruby> end
ruby> end
=> nil
ruby> class Pers
ruby> k :u
ruby> end
ruby> x = Pers.new
=> #Pers:0x8f9bf0c
ruby> x.u
=> nil
ruby> x.u = “sfdsg”
=> “sfdsg”
ruby> x.u
=> "sfdsg
Q1: Now it is working, but why it did not work in test 2 ?
test 4:
ruby> def cvalidation(name, &block)
ruby> class_eval do
ruby> attr_accessor name
ruby> define_method “svalidator_#{name}” do |*arg|
ruby> if name
ruby> yield *arg
ruby> end
ruby> end
ruby> end
ruby> end
=> nil
ruby> class Work
ruby> cvalidation :done do
ruby> puts “Yes”
ruby> end
ruby> end
=> #<Proc:0xa337638@(irb):64 (lambda)>
ruby> x = Work.new
=> #Work:0xa32d200
ruby> x.svalidator_done
=> nil
ruby> x.done
=> nil
Here define_method is working but it is not using argument name' in if condition, it uses some other name method, than provided argument
Q2: Why it is like that and what `name’ method or variable it is
actually using in both lines ?
ruby> define_method “svalidator_#{name}” do |*arg|
ruby> if name
test 5:
ruby> def cvalidation(name, &block)
ruby> class_eval do
ruby> attr_accessor name
ruby> define_method “svalidator_#{name}” do |*arg|
ruby> if send “#{name}”
ruby> yield *arg
ruby> end
ruby> end
ruby> end
ruby> end
=> nil
ruby> class QQ
ruby> cvalidation :xx do
ruby> puts “Yes”
ruby> end
ruby> end
=> #<Proc:0xa0aaf28@(irb):105 (lambda)>
ruby> x = QQ.new
=> #QQ:0xa0a09ec
ruby> x.svalidator_xx
=> nil
ruby> x.xx
=> nil
ruby> x.xx = “sfddsaf”
=> “sfddsaf”
ruby> x.svalidator_xx
=> nil
ruby> x.xx = nil
=> nil
ruby> x.svalidator_xx
=> nil
ruby> class NN
ruby> cvalidation :ww do |w|
ruby> puts w, " Hi"
ruby> end
ruby> end
=> #<Proc:0x9fbe830@(irb):105 (lambda)>
ruby> x = NN.new
=> #NN:0x9fabb40
ruby> x.ww
=> nil
ruby> x.svalidator_ww
=> nil
ruby> x.ww = “Sharad”
=> “Sharad”
ruby> x.svalidator_ww
=> nil
ruby> x.svalidator_ww "Sharad"
=> nil
ruby> puts "Sharad", "Hi"
=> nil
Here I guess as I see all is working, but
I really like to know about `name’ used in
ruby> if send "#{name}"
in test 5, uses the `name’ arguemnt provided.
ruby> if name
in test 4 it do not able to use same `name’ argument
Why ?
On Jan 9, 3:37am, Frederick C. [email protected]