Help me understand (method 1 : 0)

I got this piece of code from “RSpec Book” page 85

def exact_match_count(guess)
  (0..3).inject(0) do | count, index |
    count + (exact_match?(guess, index) ? 1 : 0)

But I don’t quite understand

…) ? 1 : 0)


Could anyone help me understand this?


is the ternary if operator…

just try these lines on irb:

print ( true ? ‘1. this part returned’ : ‘2. this part not returned’ )
print ( false ? ‘1. this part not returned’ : ‘2. this part returned’ )

just try these lines on irb:

print ( true ? ‘1. this part returned’ : ‘2. this part not returned’ )
print ( false ? ‘1. this part not returned’ : ‘2. this part returned’ )

Thanks I see it now!
