Hi People i have never done file or Directory manipulations before.
now in my form i have given date field and search button.
if the user enters date and clicks the search button,accoding to the
date entered it has to search for the folder in the ChatHistory folder
for example user enters date like 2009-01-23 means it has to search for
the folder which named 2009-01-23.
if the foder exists again it has to be iterated when i do this i get
folder structure would be ChatHistory has one folder like 2009-01-23
has two folder namely test and user these two folders contain 2 files
My code starts here
if params[:first_name].blank? and params[:second_name].blank? and
!params[:e_date][0].blank? and params[:e_date][1].blank?
puts “frtst date is not blank others are blank”
Dir.foreach(“ChatHistory”) do |f|
if f == params[:e_date][0]
puts “there:”
Dir.foreach(f) do |p|
puts p
My code starts here
if params[:first_name].blank? and params[:second_name].blank? and
!params[:e_date][0].blank? and params[:e_date][1].blank?
puts “frtst date is not blank others are blank”
Dir.foreach(“ChatHistory”) do |f|
if f == params[:e_date][0]
puts “there:”
Dir.foreach(f) do |p|
f does not contain the full path here so you need something like:
Dir.foreach(File.join("ChatHistory",f)) do |p|
Btw, it’s often helpful to put a few printing statements here and there
during debugging.
folder structure would be ChatHistory has one folder like 2009-01-23
has two folder namely test and user these two folders contain 2 files
You can get a list of all files and subdirectories under a subdirectory
like this:
Note: if you are inserting a value from a parameter, you should sanitise
it first. At least remove /…/, although it’s safest to allow only valid
values like this:
date = params[:date]
raise “Bad date format” unless date =~ /\A\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\z/
Dir[“ChatHistory/#{date}/**/*”].each do |f|
if params[:first_name].blank? and params[:second_name].blank? and
!params[:e_date][0].blank? and params[:e_date][1].blank?
puts “frtst date is not blank others are blank”
Dir.foreach(“ChatHistory”) do |folder_name|
if folder_name == params[:e_date][0]
puts “there:”
puts folder_name @sub_folder_one = Array.new
Dir.foreach(File.join(“ChatHistory”,folder_name)) do
|sub_folder_name| @sub_folder_one << sub_folder_name
end @sub_folder_one array has two folder names
one is => [email protected][email protected]
second is => testing
14;23;[email protected]
in this i don’t need the folder name which has date in
that i don’t need testing
14;23;[email protected]
but i need [email protected][email protected]
how can i do that help me up pls