[]Help with form_for

I have this rhtml, that generate a table with the object @evaluations
filled it before. The problem is that i need to get those text_field
with the data loaded, but instead it’ filled all text_field whit the
last @evaluation.
What i am doing wrong?

<% form_for( @evaluations ) do |f| %>

<% for evaluation in @evaluations %>
<%= evaluation.id%>

  <td><%=f.text_field(:id, :size => 2) %></td>
  <td><%=f.text_field(:first_evaluation, :size => 2) %></td>
  <td><%=f.text_field(:second_evaluation, :size => 2) %></td>
  <td><%=f.text_field(:final_evaluation, :size => 2) %></td>

  <td><%= link_to 'Show', evaluation %></td>
  <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_evaluation_path(evaluation) %></td>
  <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', evaluation, :confirm => 'Are you

sure?’, :method => :delete %>

<% end %>
Student Commission Id Parcial 1 Parcial 2 Final
<%=h evaluation.student.fistName %> <%=h evaluation.commission.code %>

<%= f.submit "Update" %>

<% end %>

Thanks you much for your help.

On 27 Mar 2008, at 20:04, [email protected] wrote:

I have this rhtml, that generate a table with the object @evaluations
filled it before. The problem is that i need to get those text_field
with the data loaded, but instead it’ filled all text_field whit the
last @evaluation.
What i am doing wrong?

form_for binds a form builder to one particular object, so trying to
use it to display text_fields for multiple objects isn’t going to
work. If you’re set on using a single form, you might want to look at
fields_for (fields_for gives you a form builder much like what you
would get from form_for but just generates the input tags.


I founded it text_field_tag, i don’t know if is the best way, but in the
controller i used:
first_evaluation = params[:first_evaluation]
Then i fill the values with those values.In the view i used:
<%= text_field_tag(“first_evaluation[]”, evaluation.first_evaluation,
=> 2 ). What do you thing about it?


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Frederick C. <