Help with GRC and 3.7

I have a GRC flowgraph that was given to me about three years ago and
installed gnuradio 3.7 from add-apt-repository ppa:gqrx/releases but
It is missing several blocks, I tried to piece the puzzle back with
the missing blocks but haven’t been able to make it work. I think some
of the filters are wrong. Can someone help me convert this to use the
GRC / 3.7 and the RTL-SDR Source? I posted the old one at
rxgnuradiopaste - Its just a dual NBFM RX with squelch.

Hi chris,

i installed the GRC 3.7 via the build-script
( from GNURadio. With the
build script a lot of blocks will be installed. The RTL-SDR source will
be installed and works. I think the result of the build-script is a good
and working GNURadio base.

Then you could try to open your project.


Hello Chris,

the file was build using GNU Radio 3.6.X or earlier. 3.7 renamed and
reorganized most blocks.
Most of the time, simply searching the block list (ctrl+f) with the
interesting part of the red “missing” blocks will give you what you
