Hi, I’ve been told that Paperclip needs ImageMagick, but I don’t know
what ImageMagick or how I should install it to work with my paperclip.
the tutorials I’ve found just tell me to write gem ‘paperclip’ in my gem
file and then bundle install. Will that also install the ImageMagick ?
Also, what you think is better, Paperclip or CarrierWave?
Hi, I’ve been told that Paperclip needs ImageMagick, but I don’t know
what ImageMagick or how I should install it to work with my paperclip.
the tutorials I’ve found just tell me to write gem ‘paperclip’ in my gem
file and then bundle install. Will that also install the ImageMagick ?
Also, what you think is better, Paperclip or CarrierWave?
What OS are you using? Since I’m on a Mac I use Homebrew to install
brew install imagemagick
If you on some other *nix platform they generally have their own package
managers to install stuff.
aptitude on Ubuntu, for example.
If you are on Windows, well then you’re on you own. You can probably get
info from the ImageMagick site for help with the install.
Thank you, I managed it with homebrow like you said =)
Let me ask you one more thing, suppose I get a new mac, what is
everything I
need to install to develop with rails?
I mean, I have to install rails, ruby, … But someone told me it would
better to use, for example homebrew to manage all the gem installs and
like that, so that what ever I install stays organized, within the same
place if I always use homebrew, and then it would be easy to see
I have and maybe delete or what ever I want.
What would you recommend?
If you have the time what I actually want is something like a step by
instruction, for example: