I need some help with the following:
I need to replace
content_for(:head) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }
content_for(:head_stylesheet) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }
using gsub_file but I do not know the proper way to do that.
Please help.
July 6, 2011, 10:57pm
QAS WM wrote in post #1009316:
I need to
… do something …
using gsub_file
A quick google suggests that gsub_file is part of Rails.
Please ask questions about Rails on a Rails mailing list or forum. This
list is for Ruby, the programming language; Rails is an application
which happens to be written in Ruby.
July 6, 2011, 11:53pm
I’m text agnostic when answering regex questions.
str = ‘content_for(:head) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }’
new_str = str.sub(’:head’, ‘:head_stylesheet’)
puts new_str
content_for(:head_stylesheet) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }
July 7, 2011, 3:15pm
7stud – wrote in post #1009404:
I’m text agnostic when answering regex questions.
str = ‘content_for(:head) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }’
new_str = str.sub(’:head’, ‘:head_stylesheet’)
puts new_str
content_for(:head_stylesheet) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }
I usually prefer a bit more restrictive matching
irb(main):005:0> s = ‘content_for(:head) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }’
=> "content_for(:head) { stylesheet_link_tag(args) }"
irb(main):006:0> s.sub %r{content_for(:head(?=))}, ‘\&_stylesheet’
=> "content_for(:head_stylesheet) { stylesheet_link_tag(args) }"
irb(main):007:0> s.sub %r{content_for(:head(?=\s ))}, ‘\&_stylesheet’
=> "content_for(:head_stylesheet) { stylesheet_link_tag(args) }"
irb(main):008:0> s.sub %r{content_for(\s :head(?=\s ))},
=> “content_for(:head_stylesheet) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }”
Kind regards