Hoe 2.11.0 Released

hoe version 2.11.0 has been released!

Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It helps you
manage and maintain, and release your project and includes a dynamic
plug-in system allowing for easy extensibility. Hoe ships with
plug-ins for all your usual project tasks including rdoc generation,
testing, packaging, and deployment.

See class rdoc for help. Hint: ri Hoe or any of the plugins listed

For extra goodness, see: http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoe/Hoe.pdf


2.11.0 / 2011-08-08

  • 2 minor enhancements:

    • Bypass sudo on install_gem if GEM_HOME is writable (ala rvm).
    • rcov plugin should set libs to lib, test, and ‘.’. (tenderlove)
  • 1 bug fix:

    • Fixed windoze detection on jruby. sigh (myabc)