Hosting ror app using xampp on windows OS

it’s so frustuating to me from so many days–hosting ror app in apache
on win os.
i installed xampp and running ror apps using webrick server .
but when comes to hosting that app into apache i can’t make it.i gone
through the
so many sites can anyone give me an assistance to solve this problem.
thanks in advance

On 10 September 2011 16:28, manikyala rao padala
removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

it’s so frustuating to me from so many days–hosting ror app in apache
on win os.
i installed xampp and running ror apps using webrick server .
but when comes to hosting that app into apache i can’t make it.i gone
through the
so many sites can anyone give me an assistance to solve this problem.

It is no good just posting the same request again. You do not seem to
have taken much notice of the replies to your previous request. Go
back and look at them again and make sure you have taken note of all
suggestions there. Then come back and ask specific questions
indicating what you have tried and exactly what problem you now have,
not just that it does not work, but exactly what you have done that
you think should work and what happens when you do that, including any
relevant output from the various logs.

One of the problems is of course that Windows is not good at hosting
Rails. Most here use Linux (often Ubuntu) or Mac. My personal
suggestion is that you take this opportunity to ditch windows and move
to Ubuntu. Ubuntu can be dual booted with Windows so you can boot
into whichever you prefer. I guarantee that you will soon find
yourself only using Windows rarely, if at all.


thank u colin,
at present i am doing my best to host sample ror app into apache in
win os.
i modified httpd.conf file to listen 3000 port
Listen 3000
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
<virtualHost *:3000>
ServerName rails
DocumentRoot “D:/xampp/htdocs/samplerorapp/public”
<Directory “D:/xampp/htdocs/samplerorapp/public/”>
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride all
Allow from all
Order allow,deny
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi


1.some times my apache server running and after 3 sec it stops
2. my server is running and i’m getting rails home page also when i am
clicking on app environment link Access forbidden! message or object
not found error message.
after that i went for bitnami also but there also i can’t make it.
still i am exploring other ways to host my app in win os.
any one give me an idea to this prblm.