
Sorry to ask a common question, but with the Typo Trac down, I can’t
look up the standard answers. My wife is fed up with how slowly my home
computer runs as a webhost, so I’d like to buy some sort of hosting.
Dreamhost sounds almost perfect (except no PostgreSQL), but looking
through old forums, it seems that DreamHost has been unreliable for Typo
in the past. Does anyone have Dreamhost success stories, or should I
look elsewhere?

Thank you very much.

Leon Barrett
[email protected]
home: 510-665-5428
cell: 217-257-4163
1932 Hearst Ave. Apt. F
Berkeley, CA 94709

Definitely not Dreamhost. It’s definitely still problematic:

Typo-list mailing list
[email protected]

Do you run any type of monitoring software against it? While I realize
people’s blogs aren’t mission critical, once I started testing out
heartbeat, I
realized how undependable it really was being. I get numerous emails
every day
switching from up to down to back up.

I am very happy with TextDrive.


Hi Leon,

I’ve been on Rails Playground last
and it is great deal for $60/year. Lots of features, and very quick
FYI my blog

Bruce Thomas

Kevin B. wrote:

I use Dreamhost, although I ended up installing my own custom ruby +
rails. It’s pretty decent, although not perfect.

Same here.
The Typo 4.0.3 that I downloaded and untared needed a later version of
than Drreamhost had i their /usr/bin and /usr/lib, so I also installed a
custom ruby + rails. Most of the problems I had arose from my lack of
experience in setting up and configuring that - environment settings and