def load_default_attributes(model_name, options = {})
fixture = options[:fixture] || :default
attributes = temp_attributes = model = {}
instance_eval <<-FIN
temp_attributes = #{model_name.to_s.pluralize}("#{fixture}")
model = #{model_name.to_s.capitalize}
I know there must be a neater way to get hold of a class (or in this
case a Rails model) and with the temp_attributes to get hold of a
fixture, can anybody shed some metaprogramming light?
James Mccarthy wrote:
def load_default_attributes(model_name, options = {})
fixture = options[:fixture] || :default
attributes = temp_attributes = model = {}
instance_eval <<-FIN
temp_attributes = #{model_name.to_s.pluralize}("#{fixture}")
send model_name.to_s.pluralize, fixture
model = #{model_name.to_s.capitalize}
self.class.const_get model_name.to_s.capitalize
I know there must be a neater way to get hold of a class (or in this
case a Rails model) and with the temp_attributes to get hold of a
fixture, can anybody shed some metaprogramming light?
The above should work in principle; however, take a
look at ri Object#send and Module#const_get in case
you run into any problems.
(Disclaimer: respondent is not proficient with Rails.)
On 9/2/06, J2M [email protected] wrote:
def load_default_attributes(model_name, options = {})
fixture = options[:fixture] || :default
attributes = temp_attributes = model = {}
instance_eval <<-FIN
temp_attributes = #{model_name.to_s.pluralize}(“#{fixture}”)
model = #{model_name.to_s.capitalize}
model = const_get(model_name.to_s.capitalize)
Classes are constants. So you can get them by name (string or symbol)
with Module#const_get
temp_attributes… I don’t know what fixtures are, I’ll just say that
you can
- call a method with Object#send(name, arg1, arg2) or send(name, *args)
- get/set instance variable with
instance_variable_get/instance_variable_set (don’t forget the @!
my_object.instance_variable_get(‘@name’) )
- class variables with Module#class_variable_get/…_set
and generally, look into Module, Class, Object and Kernel for other
useful methods
finally can be helpful.
On Sep 2, 2006, at 1:19 PM, Paul D. wrote:
Jan S. wrote:
model = const_get(model_name.to_s.capitalize)
This might be more appropriate:
model_class = const_get(model_name.to_s.classify)
Also if you are already within rails you may as well use #constantize
model_class = model_name.to_s.classify.constantize
Jan S. wrote:
model = const_get(model_name.to_s.capitalize)
This might be more appropriate:
model_class = const_get(model_name.to_s.classify)
Classify will take care of things that capitalize misses, like
underscores and extraneous plurals. Take a look at the following
test strings and test methods
strings = %w{blog_post layers magazine_subscribers}
methods = %w{capitalize classify}.map { |m| m.intern }
iterate over test strings and handle each one
puts { |str|
“’#{str}’\n” << { |meth|
" #{meth}:\t’#{str.send(meth)}’"
Produces the following:
capitalize: ‘Blog_post’
classify: ‘BlogPost’
capitalize: ‘Layers’
classify: ‘Layer’
capitalize: ‘Magazine_subscribers’
classify: ‘MagazineSubscriber’
Hope that helps…