Hi everybody,
Well, how can I render an external url? In java, I do something like
<jsp:include page=“www.rubyonrails.org” />
Noel R. Morais
RFC - Ready for Calls
+55 (11) 3471-4005
Hi everybody,
Well, how can I render an external url? In java, I do something like
<jsp:include page=“www.rubyonrails.org” />
Noel R. Morais
RFC - Ready for Calls
+55 (11) 3471-4005
On Monday, February 20, 2006, at 6:14 PM, Noel R. Morais wrote:
Hi everybody,
<jsp:include page=“www.rubyonrails.org” />
A niave implementation would be:
<%require ‘open-uri’%>
Mikkel B.
www.strongside.dk - Football Portal(DK)
nflfeed.helenius.org - Football News(DK)
ting.minline.dk - Buy Old Stuff!(DK)
I thought having a new div including the output of the open “blind_down”
from the top of the page would be a cool idea.
However, I’m not trying to debug why Firefox crashes every time I click
the link_to_remote that triggers the RJS template to do this
On 20 Feb 2006 20:22:02 -0000, Mikkel B. <
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