This is my method
How can I write minitest for this method, please help me
Hi Ken,
Since your post contains a picture that I can’t see, I cannot provide specific code for your case. However, a general way to test a method containing a Resque job in Minitest would be:
test "method queues the Resque job" do
assert_difference 'Resque.size(:my_queue)', +1 do
This will check if the number of jobs in the Resque queue: :my_queue
increased by one after calling the method. Replace :my_queue
and MyClass.my_method
with your actual queue name and method name.
I hope this helps. If you could share more details about your method, I could give a more specific example.
Here is my method
class User < ApplicationRecord
after_save :schedule
def schedule
Time.use_zone('UTC') do
if notify_at >= && notify_at <= + 5.min
at_time = notify_at -
if at_time.positive?
NotificationWorker.perform_at(at_time.seconds.from_now, id)
My thinking is, dismantle it,
Case 1: add a case for Initialize and save a user record, check that the NotificationWorker has been enqueued,
Case 2: add a case for NotificationWorker to check that it works as expected.
Break down the problem and make the problem simpler.
what is :my_queue, is it “NotificationWorker”?
I cannot check case 1 , please help me
What exactly is not working for you in case 1?
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