By the way, I always refers to configuration from Module ngx_http_rewrite_module, but it’s so brief that
some details like this problem I encountered are not included. Where
could I find more detailed reference materials?
By the way, I always refers to configuration from Module ngx_http_rewrite_module, but it’s so brief that
some details like this problem I encountered are not included. Where
could I find more detailed reference materials?
high quality English documentation can be located
at official nginx site: nginx documentation
If in the line of replacement arguments are indicated, then the rest of
the request arguments are appended to them. To avoid having them
appended, place a question mark as the last character:
quite often English documentation at
are more detailed than russian nginx: документация
(wiki describes many undocumented nginx options and features)
but Russian documentation at nginx: документация
always more accurate and correct than information at wiki,
because Russian documentation maintained in sync
with main development branch by creator of nginx.
but it’s so brief that
‘^’ character is pcre regexp, it means 'start of
always more accurate and correct than information