How do I generate the Rspec file for an already existing model in Rails 3?

I’ve seen guides for Rspec that say to use rspec_model script, but in
Rails 3 you don’t have the script folder, and the only Rspec generator
that I have is rspec:install.

The other way is generate them automatically when scaffolding, but I
already have the model, controller and view files created =/

On Aug 22, 2:18pm, Ezequiel S. [email protected] wrote:

I’ve seen guides for Rspec that say to use rspec_model script, but in
Rails 3 you don’t have the script folder, and the only Rspec generator
that I have is rspec:install.

The other way is generate them automatically when scaffolding, but I
already have the model, controller and view files created =/

rails generate model my_model_that_already_exists --skip-migration

It will ask you if you want to overwrite the existing model file. Say


Well, calling scaffold with flag seems to do the trick. The only con is
that I have to say no for each file, since Ynaqdh doesn’t have a “no to
all” option =/


Found ya’!

scaffold -s Model_name

So it skip files that already exists ^^