I am a newbie to Ruby on Rails, and I am really interested in learning
it in depth. I have dabbled in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at w3schools
and similar sites, and I am wondering what really got you guys started
programming rails applications from scratch. What is the best way to
learn the rails quickly? Thanks
On 28 May 2013 00:55, Clay McCullough [email protected] wrote:
I am a newbie to Ruby on Rails, and I am really interested in learning it in
depth. I have dabbled in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at w3schools and similar sites,
and I am wondering what really got you guys started programming rails applications
from scratch. What is the best way to learn the rails quickly? Thanks
Work right through a good tutorial such as railstutorial.org, which is
free to use online. Don’t use Windows, use Linux (eg Ubuntu) or Mac.
Install ruby and rails using rvm (or possibly rbenv, I don’t have
experience of that). Also read through the Rails Guides.