I want to insert a custom HTTP header with the value set to the current
timestamp in msec. Is it possible to accomplish this without using perl
module? Is there a bult-in variable $current_time or something like
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hi, I want to insert a custom HTTP header with the value set to the current timestamp in msec. Is it possible to accomplish this without using perl module? Is there a bult-in variable $current_time or something like this? Thanks, Yuri
I know this isn’t exactly what you asked, but the Date: header is
essentially a timestamp of the request time.
yfinkelstein writes:
Right, I saw that one, but its granularity is seconds while I need msec.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Hi, I want to insert a custom HTTP header with the value set to the current timestamp in msec. Is it possible to accomplish this without using perl module? Is there a bult-in variable $current_time or something like this? Thanks, Yuri