What’s your inventory count?
Hmm lets see, there are 4 active machines running nearly all the time
(2 laptops, desktop and server) and two currently not being used
(laptop and pc).
No good names for my machines, all a bit basic or in most cases just
describing its purpose, anyway the in use machines:
Macbook - my main machine these days as I don’t have a lot of time to
sit in my study. This way I can compute while spending time in the
company of my wife. 2ghz C2D with 1gb ram. Its my first Mac and for
the most part I really like it and OSX though a few things in OSX
annoy the heck out of me. Esp the dreaded beachball. Ruby, RubyCocoa &
Textmate installed.
Kieran - my wifes laptop which is generally hooked upto a 22 inch
monitor to watch programs in our living room or piping music into our
hifi. Its a Fujitsui Siemens Amilo 1505 or something like that. It
runs XP but very badly for some reason and only has 512mb ram. No
XP - My old main machine, sits in the study and is only really used to
play games on the few minutes of free time I have. Its a custom built
Shuttle with Athlon XP 2800+, 1GB ram and a AGP Nvidia 6600GTS.
Generally runs XP with Ubuntu used occasionally (I love Compiz /
Beryl). Ruby on both OS’s
Server - My server, cobbled together from bits I had left over from
old machines and from bits friends had given me. It is a Athlon XP
1800 with 768MB ram, total of 500+GB of data storage (with backup for
400GB of it). It hosts my mail & web server and files for music &
video. Currently got a 3DFX Voodoo 3 16MB graphics card which I keep
intending to put in another machine to play old games. It runs Ubuntu
7.04 and of course has Ruby on it and used for a couple of tasks.
The two non used machines:
Laptop - My first laptop bought about 4 years ago now so that I could
work while commuting. Can’t remember the make, was bought from PC
World in the UK. Its a P4 2GHZ with 512MB ram and runs XP & FreeBSD
(which I was experimenting with recently). It is kinda broken with a
huge crack in the wrist area and the battery is knackered (40 minutes
of life). Sadly I can’t get a new battery for it and it can’t operate
with its lid closed so I can’t really use it for much other than give
to my kids when they are older. Has Ruby and did have Cygwin.
Mail - Old Dell box that my wifes former company was selling of for 50
pounds. Something like a 600mhz box with 128mb ram. I did have a copy
of XP and my old mail server (Mercury Mail) running on it. Yes XP
would run, yes it was slow but I stopped most of the services and
could happily run the mail server and the virus scanner in under 128MB
of ram. Surprised the heck out of me!
Given Away:
Dell XPS 133 - Gave that away to someone that simply need to write up
poems and stuff. It really is a crock that shops tell you that you
need a minimum of 1.x GHZ to do things. 133mhz was quite fast enough
for a number of things! Scarely the machine when new cost about 2000
Custom Built 900mhz Athlon box with 512MB ram. My first own built
machine and I loved it. Was also the first Machine that I ever ran
Ruby on.
A new Games PC but in this day and age is there much point as most
stuff is being aimed for games consoles. (I want games like iWar and
XWing or Tie Fighter to make a comeback)
A Mac Mini / Apple TV to run in the living room rather than my wifes
laptop for TV & Video needs.
iMac or MacPro for generally usage and development.
I tell ya from having my MB I love having a quiet computer. My main XP
box makes such a racket its crazy, no quiet listening to music through
Apologies for boring everyone