I want to add some information to the header of a SOAP request. How
would I do that. I plan on just using the ruby core SOAP module.
On Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 06:16:13AM +0900, Chris G. wrote:
I want to add some information to the header of a SOAP request. How
would I do that. I plan on just using the ruby core SOAP module.
Wow, 2 times in 1 month, dealing with soap header requests…
See if that works for you.
I just installed Savon gem and did the following to get it to work:
@client = Savon::Client.new “https://asdflskdjf.com?WSDL”
@client.request.basic_auth(“user”, “pass”)
Find docs at http://rdoc.info/projects/rubiii/savon
This is kinda a dup of my previous post.