How to get started with python in gnuradio

Hi all
It would be very helpful to me if some one tells me how to get started
python in gnu radio.I see an entire page dedicated to python programming
but it does not say anything about getting started.Please don’t say to
use#!/usr/bin/env/python part
in that page.Any link to how to get started with an example would be

suppose your python file is
In terminal, just use ./ in the directory where the file is

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 8:48 PM, vamshi krishna dodla <
[email protected]> wrote:

Thanks & Regards
Vamshi Krishna Dodla

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On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 9:48 PM, vamshi krishna dodla
[email protected] wrote:

Hi all
It would be very helpful to me if some one tells me how to get started with
python in gnu radio.I see an entire page dedicated to python programming but
it does not say anything about getting started.Please don’t say to use
#!/usr/bin/env /python part in that page.Any link to how to get started with
an example would be helpful.

Thanks & Regards
Vamshi Krishna Dodla

When you have the source code, every top level component (e.g.,
gr-digital) has an ‘examples’ directory. Most of the examples are in
Python. Some components have examples in GRC, Python, and C++, in
which case you’ll find the Python examples in ‘examples/python’.
