How to get the value of dropdown box selected using collect_select()?


I am trying to get the value of ‘contenttype_id’ value from the
‘streams’ table like:

<%= collection_select
(:stream, :contenttype_id,@contenttypes,:id,:name),{},{onchange =>

here i want to recieve the vaule of selected option in switchdiv( ) as
my collection_select dropdown box contain names as video,audio,image
and speech with having values as 1,2,3 and 4 respectively.

so if i hardcoded as value = 1 in switchdev() function like
switchdiv(1) am able do functionality what i implemented in switchdiv

instead of hardcdoing i want to get the “value” of “name” from
ex:if i select name as ‘video’ i shoud get the value as ‘1’
can anyone give idea to get the value from collect_select?

On 26 Dec 2008, at 17:37, srikanth wrote:

here i want to recieve the vaule of selected option in switchdiv( ) as
ex:if i select name as ‘video’ i shoud get the value as ‘1’
can anyone give idea to get the value from collect_select?

switchdiv($F(‘id_of_the_select_tag’)) will do the trick if you have
prototype library loaded
