I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to hack my mongrel_cluster to
in an alternating manner.
Specifically, this soluiton:
Which means I an call to mongrel_rails cluster::restart to do this:
mongrel_rails start 8001
mongrel_rails stop 8001
mongrel_rails start 8002
mongrel_rails stop 8002
mongrel_rails start 8003
mongrel_rails stop 8003
mongrel_rails start 8004
mongrel_rails stop 8004
Instead of:
mongrel_rails stop 8001
mongrel_rails stop 8002
mongrel_rails stop 8003
mongrel_rails stop 8004
[…503…application offline…]
mongrel_rails start 8001
mongrel_rails start 8002
mongrel_rails start 8003
mongrel_rails start 8004
It’s has been very difficult for me to figure out where to install the
hacked mongrel_cluster_ctl that Carl provides in his blog.
The execution path is not clear.
Would anyone be willing to give me some ideas?
Thank you,