I’ve got a resorts view, shows details of a ski resort. Under the resort
description I allow users to leave comments on the resort - works fine.
- Resort has many comments.
- Comment belongs to resort.
However, slight problemo - the comment form on my resorts page creates a
new comment via the Comments Controller (new and create actions are
available to the public). This works fine.
But how oh how do I send back the comment validation errors to the
Resorts show view when redirected from the comments controller - I’d
like to do this.
It’s horrible at the moment - I’m using the flash to display feedback to
the user, it’s not ideal.
How should I handle this - surely a common situation?
When I redirect back to the resort can I pass back the comment complete
with any errors?
Basically you can see what I followed here.
My comments on my resorts in this case are similar to the comments on
each blog post.
But when this guy redirects back to the @post I can’t see how validation
errors can be included?
He just uses the flash?
Please advise.
Here’s my existing comments controller create action…
def create
@resort = Resort.find(params[:resort_id])
@comment = Comment.new(params[:comment])
@comment.resort = @resort
if @comment.save
flash[:notice] = “Successfully created comment, it’ll be cleared
and show up soon on this page.”
flash[:notice] = “Something went wrong creating your comment.”
redirect_to @resort
As you can see, as it stands the second to last line just redirects.
Either you render the resort show action if your create fails or you
use ajax to update only the comment part of your view.
2009/11/6, bingo bob [email protected]:
with any errors?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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