Hey all.
We are working with cell radios that have a dynamic ip address that
last a few hours.
I need a socket server that can receive messages from these, but i
also need to be able to initiate a connection to them on the same ip
and port.
here is what i have so far, and it is working to bring data in from
the radios.
require ‘socket’
server = TCPServer.open(‘’, 1411)
loop {
Thread.start(server.accept) do |client|
while line = client.gets
# now we make a text string for this
d_out = ""
line.split("").each do |i|
d_out += "#{i[0]}-"
# testing only
# data_line = "you said #{line} - total packet length =
# client.puts data_line
# puts data_line
i am able to send the data right back to the radio correctly, but i
need a way to send info back maybe an hour later or so.
thanks for any tips on this.