How to implement status codes in DB and Rails

This is more of a design issue I’m wrestling with, and was wondering
what other people are doing.

I have a products table with status values of In Stock, Out of Stork or
Discontinued. This is unlikely to change any time soon.

Approach A, is to have thses actual values in the status column, at
least the meaning is very apparent, yet querying for products with a
specific status could be problematic if due to a business decision the
description had to be changed, e.g. Out of Stock became Not in Stock.

Approach B, is to have a code that represents the status, such as I, O,
D, querying would work, and their descriptions could change. But when
the data was displayed the code would have to be translated to a
description every time.

Approach C, have a new status look up table, which would have an id
column and a description, and the products table would then have a
status id, which if the description was required would include the
status table in the find. This seems a bit over the top but maybe is the
cleanest way and status can be added and descriptions changed without
any changes to application code.

Approach D, have a new table with status codes I, O, D but that would
mean hard coding a lot of the queries as find_by_sql, to have the table
join, as there is no id column on the status table.


Andrew C. wrote:

Approach C, have a new status look up table, which would have an id
column and a description, and the products table would then have a
status id, which if the description was required would include the
status table in the find. This seems a bit over the top but maybe is the
cleanest way and status can be added and descriptions changed without
any changes to application code.

This works well in conjunction with Trevor S.’ acts_as_enumerated
plugin. Using this, statuses are stored in the DB as ids, tested in
code using symbolic name fields, and displayed in views as either the
name field or a separate description field:

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

On Nov 8, 2006, at 3:46 AM, Andrew C. wrote:

specific status could be problematic if due to a business decision the
status id, which if the description was required would include the
You can use a state pattern for this and it works out pretty clean.
There is also the acts_as_state_machine plugin you may want to check
out. But here is a simple example of the state pattern used in credit
card settlements.

id :integer(11) not null, primary key

name :string(80) default(), not null

description :text

class SettlementState < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :settlements,
:order => ‘’

class Settlement < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :settlement_state
belongs_to :ledger

validates_presence_of :xaction
validates_presence_of :message

def authorized
self.settlement_state = SettlementState.find_by_name(‘authorized’)

def captured
self.settlement_state = SettlementState.find_by_name(‘captured’)

def voided
self.settlement_state = SettlementState.find_by_name(‘voided’)

def credited
self.settlement_state = SettlementState.find_by_name(‘credited’)

def errored
self.settlement_state = SettlementState.find_by_name(‘errored’)

def settled
self.settlement_state = SettlementState.find_by_name(‘settled’)

def is_authorized? == ‘authorized’

def is_captured? == ‘captured’

def is_voided? == ‘voided’

def is_credited? == ‘credited’

def is_errored? == ‘errored’

def is_settled? == ‘settled’

– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

Andrew C. wrote:

Approach C, have a new status look up table, which would have an id
column and a description, and the products table would then have a
status id, which if the description was required would include the
status table in the find. This seems a bit over the top but maybe is the
cleanest way and status can be added and descriptions changed without
any changes to application code.

Approach C is the only way that conforms to 3NF.
