How to populate popups


Am newbie to Radiant CMS… am developed one web application using
RoR and all the controls and actions are working well. But when am
migrated into Radiant, controllers and action are not working and
application have popup that populates welcome msg to the particular
user, written code in the javascript… i have done in RoR… and
working well when user opens index page…it populates along with the
index page…
in radiant… the headers and fotter code has written in snippets,
called in the layout tab…
when user opens index page, populated popup… it is fine… but the
problem is the popup page showing header and footer… and content…
Bfore that… i have selected the Layout as , page type
status from drop down menu for popup page…
and i have disabled the layout (layout nil)… but am getting it…
which i don’t require in my application…

plz suggest me… how to rectify this prob