This is a ferret question. I have the ferret_server DRb server up and
running, but I’m trying to get it so that I can restart the ferret
server through Capistrano whenever I restart the Mongrel processes. Not
having a lot of luck with this at the bottom of my deploy.rb:
task :post_deployment do
run “cd /home/ && script/ferret_server -e
production stop”
run “cd /home/ && script/ferret_server -e
production start”
after ‘deploy:restart’, :post_deployment
After the restart it tries to execute the stop and then start, but
** [out :: [email protected]] no such file to load –
command finished
So it looks like it’s not respecting the current directory. Any ideas on
how to get around this? I have to restart the DRb ferret_server each
time so that it restarts using the most recent version of the rails app
that I just deployed.