Hi ,this might be a newbie question and I don’t know if it’s the right
place to ask here:
I use opensuse11.1 and it has it’s ruby1.8.7 rpm installed , later I
tried to compiled a ruby 1.9 on the machine.now when I type :
ruby -v
It shows
ruby 1.9.1p0 (2009-01-30 revision 21907) [x86_64-linux]
then all of my gem installed under ruby 1.8.7 lost. since I just want
to try 1.9 and some gem will have problem under 1.9 .so I want to set
the default ruby still be the ruby1.8.7 . how could I do that ?
my ruby1.8.7 has the path :/usr/bin/ruby
ruby 1.9 has the path : /usr/local/bin/ruby
thank you guys!