I’m using the Ultrasphinx plugin with Sphinx to add search to my app,
but I’m having a tough time figuring out how to index a
has_many :through relationship. Say, for example, I’m looking at a
relationship like this:
Playlist has_many songs :through => ‘playlistings’
I want to be able to do a song-based search that will return the
Playlists that have those songs. I know I need to use
the :association_sql key to set up the has_many :through join, but my
SQL sauce is weak. Here’s what I have right now, which works only for
the first song:
is_indexed :fields => [{:field => 'name', :as =>
:include => [{:association_name => “songs”, :field =>
:association_sql => “JOIN
(playlistings, songs) ON (playlists.id=playlistings.playlist_id AND
Unfortunately, like I said, if I do a search by song name, Ultrasphinx
only matches playlists if I search for the first song in a playlist…
searching by all other song names (e.g., the name of the second or
third song in a playlist) returns nothing. Any ideas?
Thanks so much for any help!