How to show Category with n childrens in a form

Hi All,
I want to show the categories in a form which has n no. of childrens
with n no. of chain. for ex.

… and so on…

what is a best way to show this so that user can easily recognize what
category is he selected. idon’t want to show all the categories in same
drop-down because it gets difficult for user to find required category
and also he also not came to know that whcih parent category it belongs.


Salil G.

use acts_as_category
acts_as_category (Version 1.0)

acts_as_category, is yet another acts_as plugin for Ruby on Rails
ActiveRecord models. Copyright is 2009 by

out-of-the-box demo application at

— quoted –

If everything is set up, you can actually use the plugin. Let’s say
you have trees like this and your model is called Category.

root1 root2
_ child1 _ child2
_ subchild1 \subchild3
_ subchild2 \subchild4

On 25 juil, 06:45, Salil G. [email protected]