I could not find an easy solution to this question: how can I properly
test an Rails controller action?
We were trying to run the following test:
get :show, :id => 'hello'
response.should redirect_to("http://www.google.com")
But we got:
undefined method `formats=’ for #LinksController:0x00000104000b40
After reading a couple of blog posts, we tried this work-around:
class LinksController
include ActionController::UrlFor
include ActionController::Testing
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
include AbstractController::ViewPaths
It works only partially, we’re now stuck with the limits of our monkey-
patching and get the following error:
undefined method `protected_instance_variables’ for
Well - is there a clean way to test our a Rails metal with RSpec?
Thanks for your support!
– Thibaut