So I am not really interested in testing the content of the actual body
of an
outgoing email. I trust that Rails’ internal mechanisms work, however
I came across some code that did something that I did want to test:
class PaypalProcessor
def send_email
… I simply wanted to verify that the variables being passed into my
ActionMailer::Base subclass are exactly what I expect them to be. I
felt that
this is pretty much all that I need to test (other than verifying that
actual email will be sent). So I wrote the following test:
before :each do
@encoded = Base64.encode64s({ :post_id => @post.id, :user_id =>
@user.id }).to_json
@processor = PaypalProcessor.new(:params => { :custom => @encoded,
:foo => “bar” })
it “sends an email to notify us of invalid data” do
@processor.should_not be_valid
Notifier.expects(:new).with(:paypal_error, @errors, { :post_id =>
:user_id =>
:foo => “bar”,
:custom =>
@encoded })
note: I wrote the above expectation that way based off of what I saw
ActionMailer::Base’s code… It uses method missing and does:
new(method, *args).message
lambda { @processor.send_email }.should
change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :count).by(1)
I get this failure:
- PaypalParamProcessor validation sends an email to notify us of
invalid data
Failure/Error: lambda { @processor.send_email }.should
change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :count).by(1)
unexpected invocation: Notifier.new(:paypal_error, [‘paypal did
not verify the transaction!’, ‘paypal notified us of a payment with an
invalid gross amount!’, ‘paypal gave a currency code other than USD!’,
‘paypal shows this transaction as belonging to another business!’],
{:post_id => 430, :user_id => 538, :foo => ‘bar’, :custom =>
unsatisfied expectations:- expected exactly once, not yet invoked:
Notifier.new(:paypal_error, nil, {:post_id => 430, :user_id => 538, :foo
=> ‘bar’, :custom => ‘eyJwb3N0X2lkIjo0MzAsInVzZXJfaWQiOjUzOH0=’})
satisfied expectations: - allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:Fancy Notify
Object>.acknowledge(any_parameters) - allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:Fancy Notify
Object>.complete?(any_parameters) - allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:Fancy Notify
Object>.gross(any_parameters) - allowed any number of times, not yet invoked: #<Mock:Fancy
Notify Object>.acknowledge(any_parameters) - allowed any number of times, invoked once:
./lib/paypal_param_processor.rb:43:in `send_email’
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked:
So, obviously my approach isn’t so great. Can anyone assist me with a
better way to do this?
Patrick J. Collins