How to turn off auto commit in rake 0.8.7

How to turn auto commit off while doing rake version:write and rake
version:bump ?

zoras wrote in post #955674:

How to turn auto commit off while doing rake version:write and rake
version:bump ?

rake doesn’t know anything about databases AFAIK. So I guess you’re
talking about a Rakefile which comes with some other package - in which
case, please say what package you’re talking about - or your own
Rakefile, in which case you can post it.

Also, I would expect that a rake task will start a fresh ruby process,
which will start a fresh database connection, and drop that connection
when it terminates. So if you turn off auto-commit then you may simply
find that all your changes are rolled back.

For me it seems that the author means git commit when using rake version:write and rake version:bump with Rakefile generated by
Jeweler. In other words, this is a question about Jeweler. I think
that you cannot disable it out-of-the-box but have to dig into
Jeweler’s tasks themselves.

Jarmo P.

IT does really matter -