I generated a py file by GRC with a ratiobutton block.(ratiobutton have
button “Yes” & “No”)
And now I want to modify the py file to implement a if logic by that
That means if user choose “Yes” then Print “XXXX”, otherwise, Print
So how and which value of ratiobutton block I should judge in py file?
Is anyone have this kind of experience before? or show me a example,
Suppose that there is a radiobutton with ID xyz:
Then, a method named “set_xyz” will be generated in the py file.
At runtime, set_xyz is called whenever the radiobutton changes.
You can add a print statement inside this set_xyz method.
Then,how to catch the value of ratiobutton block in other function or
That means if user choose “Yes” then set USRP freq output at
900MHz,otherwise, set USRP at 950 MHz?
2009/9/7 Josh B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid
nansai hu wrote:
Then,how to catch the value of ratiobutton block in other function or
Try the suggestion below and see how the generated *.py code does it.
That means if user choose “Yes” then set USRP freq output at
900MHz,otherwise, set USRP at 950 MHz?
In this case:
the radio button id should be my_usrp_freq
the radio button choices should be [900e6, 950e6]
The radio button labels should be [‘Yes’, ‘No’]
Enter the id of the radio button, my_usrp_freq, into the usrp frequency
Then, execute the flow graph. It will work. 