I have a partial that gets rendered in response to a #link_to_remote
call. What I want to do is to display a select box, when the user
selects an item from that box, display a second select box, when the
user selects an item from that box, display a link (or possibly a
submit button) allowing the user to do something.
Here is my partial:
<%= select_tag “use_part”,
options_for_select(@parts, @use_part),
:onchange => “#{remote_function(:url => “select_assembly”,
:update => “disposition”,
:with => “‘use_part=’+$(‘use_part’).value”)}”
<% if @use_part %>
<%= select_tag “use_lot”,
options_for_select(@lots, @use_lot),
:onchange => “#{remote_function(:url => “select_assembly”,
:update => “disposition”,
:with =>
<% end %>
<% if @use_lot %>
<%= link_to_remote “Use”,
:url => {:action => “use_in_assembly”},
:update => “disposition”,
:with =>
<% end %>
This works, but it seems pretty ugly, especially the bid where I keep
appending more and more variables to the :with clause. As I was
thinking about this last night, I started wondering if perhaps I
should have used the #remote_form_tag helper. That way, when the form
was submitted, the data contained in the form would be POSTed along
with it and I wouldn’t have to keep appending parameters to the :with
The problem is (if it isn’t obvious by now), I haven’t the foggiest
idea what I’m doing. Should I add an :onchange clause to the remote
form tag? If so, what javascript function should it call? Should it
include the :update => “disposition” option, indicating that the
result should replace the contents of the “disposition” div (BTW, this
partial is the only thing within that div). Should the select tags
(continue to) have the :update option invoking the #select_assembly
action on my controller?
I’ll keep muddling through this and will probably learn some answers
sooner or later (or possibly give up in a blue depressive funk), but I
thought I would ask what other folks do or have done.