How to write spec for infinite loop?


I’ve got trouble when describe infinite loop.

code snippet:

def start_loop
while true
data = self.server.handle_client
if data

without the loop, it is easy to test the logic.
but how can I describe it to tell the developer ( me :slight_smile: ) that there
should be an infinite loop inside.


Peng Zuo

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 9:25 AM, zuo peng [email protected] wrote:


I’ve got trouble when describe infinite loop.

code snippet:

def start_loop
while true

Not a reply to your specific question, but hopefully even better.

I stumbled into similar situation a while ago, when I was developing a
daemon process using BDD.
When writing the test, I came up naturally with the following kind of

def start_loop
while loop_condition?

the idea is to separate looping logic and the operations done inside.
The whole method start_loop was very easy to test now:

MyDaemon.stub!(:loop_condition?).and_return(true, false) # I didn’t
use RSpec at the time, so this might not work

outcome.should be_something_expected

The trick is in stubbing the class/module method loop_condition? so
that it returns true the first time and false the second time,
thus looping only once. In the actual implementation loop_condition?
was implemented as follows:

class MyDaemon
def loop_condition?; true; end


thus making the while loop indefinite.

Any smart developer could have come up with similar structure without
using TDD/BDD. However, that particular solution came to me
naturally exactly because of the way BDD works: it forces you – in a
tender way – to write code that is easy to test automatically.

“One day, when he was naughty, Mr Bunnsy looked over the hedge into
Farmer Fred’s field and it was full of fresh green lettuces. Mr
Bunnsy, however, was not full of lettuces. This did not seem fair.”
– Terry Pratchett, Mr. Bunnsy Has An Adventure

On May 29, 2008, at 2:25 AM, zuo peng wrote:



without the loop, it is easy to test the logic.
but how can I describe it to tell the developer ( me :slight_smile: ) that there
should be an infinite loop inside.

Here’s a tip which Aslak gave me several months ago, and I find myself
repeating it in many different contexts on this mailing list:

One way is with dependency injection:

def start_loop(looping_infinitely = true)
while looping_infinitely


In your spec, you simply pass false (but production code can call the
method as if there is no option).


On May 29, 2008, at 3:33 AM, David C. wrote:

but how can I describe it to tell the developer ( me :slight_smile: ) that

I think calling this dependency injection is a bit of a stretch. I
agree with the approach of having a logical default that you can
override in the example, but what exactly is the dependency on? true?

Regardless of its name, this is a very good solution to the problem
at hand.

Yeah, good point. It makes me laugh a bit too, now that I think about

Also, shouldn’t the dependency occur in the constructor for it to be
real DI?


On May 29, 2008, at 12:31 AM, Scott T. wrote:

while true

Here’s a tip which Aslak gave me several months ago, and I find
myself repeating it in many different contexts on this mailing list:

One way is with dependency injection:

def start_loop(looping_infinitely = true)


I think calling this dependency injection is a bit of a stretch. I
agree with the approach of having a logical default that you can
override in the example, but what exactly is the dependency on? true?

Regardless of its name, this is a very good solution to the problem at

Thanks guys.
Both ways work perfectly.


Peng Zuo


def start_loop(looping_infinitely = true)
while looping_infinitely


In your spec, you simply pass false (but production code can call the
method as if there is no option).

“while true” is also known as “loop” in Ruby.
Really, you do not want to test whether that ruby construct works, do
(I can imagine it being in the test suite that is for RUby itself)

What I think is interesting for you to test, is that your loop keeps
when the dispatcher dies, and possibly other bad-weather cases. I bet
loop is in another Thread, and checking whether a Thread still runs is
enough (also interesting enough, since threads die by themselves in
by default, i.e. they do not raise exceptions in other threads unless
set Thread.abort_on_exception = true).

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 12:33 AM, David C. [email protected]

but how can I describe it to tell the developer ( me :slight_smile: ) that there

I think calling this dependency injection is a bit of a stretch. I agree
with the approach of having a logical default that you can override in the
example, but what exactly is the dependency on? true?

Regardless of its name, this is a very good solution to the problem at hand.

If ever there were a time to drop Ruby and start using Java + Guice,
this would be it.
